December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Posted by Janine & Mikkel

Last night, on the 23rd, we celebrated Danish Christmas here at our house. Mikkel became our chef cook in Danish cuisine and scents of rice pudding, red cabbage, brown potatoes and stuffed duck aromatized the house. Although these smells don’t go too well with a heavy temperature of about 30 degrees, it did eventually bring us into the Christmas mood: We had a great dinner with 12 good friends and ended up eating, drinking, rolling dices (for presents and for washing dishes), chatting and dancing until the early hours. Except for the style of the dancing, the lack of hymns, the funny hat and the quantity of empty wine bottles, the evening quite resembled a traditional Danish Christmas dinner.

This morning though we have to face reality (luckily the dishes are done!) and get a few practical things done before we are leaving Cape Town and our house on Tuesday. At the same time, we’ll have to make some time to celebrate the fact that we’ve been together for 7 years today (And prepare ourselves emotionally for the seven bad years and/or relation-crises that supposedly come after this…;-)

Tomorrow we will celebrate Christmas Day with the family, friends, neighbours and the neighbour’s friends and family of our friend Mlamli in the township Guguletu. They have already slaughtered a sheep yesterday to respect and please the ancestors and of course to cater for all the people coming. Just to add a little cultural twist to it, Janine will bring her (grand) mothers’ original apple pie to go with it.

And then, Tuesday early morning, we will jump into our good old Fox and see how far north east (s)he is going to bring us. We are going to be highly equipped with tent, camping gear, wetsuits, walking shoes and sunscreen and will be gone for about 4 ½ weeks. We may make it all the way up to the south of Mozambique, but we haven’t made any plans yet and will see how far we get. The end of January we need to be back in Cape Town in order to catch our flight and get back to Holland on the 30th of January.

We’ll be posting some updates during our trip, but will not send out the email (this is a bit too much hassle since we do not have our own computer) so if you’re interested, you’ll need to just check the blog once in a while.

Now all that is left is to wish you all a VERY MERRY Christmas and a GREAT new year! We are looking forward to seeing you all in 2007.

Big hugs from Janine and… another one from Mikkel

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