September 2, 2007

What are we doing here…

I am in Chennai to do my final research for my studies in International Development. This means I have to do fieldwork for 2-3 months after which I will have to write my MA-thesis as well as a report for the organization that funds my stay here (Education International). The topic of my research is ‘AIDS education in the classroom’. Although AIDS is not at all such a big problem here in India as it is in for example South Africa, the epidemic could spread really fast among the 1 billion population if nobody gets informed about it. While the government has made a big plan for schools to teach on HIV/AIDS, it is very unclear what actually happens in the schools and what teachers themselves think about it. The topic is still a taboo! The next couple of months, I will therefore be visiting different schools and interviewing teachers, head-masters and other people that are important for decisions about AIDS education.

I will isolate myself in this quiet place to finally start trying to begin working towards the end of the last part of finishing the final part of my studies!

We plan to come back to Europe the 29th of January 2008. See you then!

1 comment:

Wouter said...

Again the two of you are off in some desolate country far far away...

Is it just to make other people jealous or are there also other reasons?

And Mikkel if you can't find the 'place' to finnish your studie, try at least to make India a floorball nation!

Well all the best ofcourse and hopefully see you guys some time again somewhere...

Wouter "Agent No. 17".