October 31, 2007

What a wonderful day!

Posted by Janine
Today, as I walked from the bus stop to our home, my foot suddenly (literally) kicked into something mushy. ‘What the heck?’ I thought. Then I saw the fresh brown drab between my toes, proudly produced by one of the many cows that wander on the roads. Great. At least I was on my way home so I could wash it off quickly, although this also turned out to be a bit of a challenge as the power was cut off once again, so I had to manage in the dark. This was my first day after the 2-week holiday we just returned from. What a day! It started with the realization that I had caught a cold, probably during a chilly tuktuk-ride in the rain, so I felt pretty miserable. This mood was soon worsened by the discovery that my wallet was gone. It must have mysteriously disappeared on the train or bus -or anywhere in between- on our way home yesterday. Perhaps it happened while I was holding someone’s baby in the bus (because I had a seating place and the mother didn’t) and my bag ended up under my seat? But it cannot be – the old cute lady next to me seemed to be carefully defending it by keeping her feet strongly tight around it. That’s the way people help each other here (at least I thought?) Anyway, the fact is that I lost 120 euros, which equals 2/3 months income for some people her. My only hope and consolation now is that it didn’t get stolen but that I lost it instead and that some person has a wonderful day (or week, or month)…

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