March 11, 2011

Job dilemma: food & beverage or books?

Posted by Janine
I got a job offer! After quite a few weeks of intensive searching and ‘selling myself’;) and meeting with more than 10 different organizations and companies…this one came out of the blue. Like it usually seems to go: by pure luck, via my housemate. In theory, I could have just chilled in my hammock sipping smoothies for the last 4 weeks (maybe I did?) because so far my efforts have only been rewarded into promises that ‘they will get back to me’.

BUT as I said, I did get an offer (to start 'yesterday'), by a great woman my age who owns a company selling schoolbooks! A bit of background: In Rwanda, the government changed the teaching language from French and local K’nyarwanda to English last year. From one day to the other… Imagine, it would be the same as being a teacher in Europe and you suddenly have to continue your work in, let’s say, German. It’s pretty crazy. Anyway, they are doing it somehow.
But there aren’t many good books yet. And by far not enough (1 book for 5 pupils). So she saw a niche in the market and contacted the biggest company in the field of educational books (Pearson from the UK), spent months gathering teachers to write the books, adapted to the Rwandan context etc. Now it is time to distribute the first 50.0000 ordered books throughout the country (they are supposed to be for the year 2010, so they’re pretty much in a hurry) and she is desperate to find someone to organize all this…
The fun thing is that after the first distribution (which will take a month), they need to make plans and implement programs to actually support and train teachers in using these books, and to motivate them, as most teachers can hardly survive on their salary. That sounds like a nice challenge.
Still, I haven’t taken the job offer (yet). I’m not sure! Who knows, after all these efforts, one of the other job options in the field of CSR /sustainable food will actually get back to me with a positive reply. In theory, I could receive a phone call from Heineken, Starbucks, the Dutch embassy, MANA foods (making protein bars for undernourished children), SNV, IFDC, a chilli pepper trader or Inyange industries (the biggest Rwandan fruit & milk company). In the case of SNV and Starbucks it is quite likely although it will be unpaid work, both in sustainable coffee production. In the case of the Dutch embassy there is also a chance, because Rwanda has just been announced as a ‘donor country’ so there is lots of development work coming up. And in the case of IFDC, an international rural development organisation where I had a meeting yesterday; there is an opportunity too, although it will only be an assignment for two weeks.
Decision-time is running out: these schoolbooks need to get out there FAST, so that english explanations of math and geography can be 'consumed' by eager rwandanese children who -if lucky- know how to say 'Good moning how aayou'. As you can tell, I am not yet convinced if these books will make a difference for them?
Conclusion: I am in a dilemma this weekend. If anyone has any brilliant advice on how/when to decide, write me, please!

PS. Greetings from Mikkel. He's had no time for blogs - too busy working...


Morten said...

It seems to me that your stomach is in favour of school-books.

Roald said...

mmm, let me try to convince you;

about the cause; education is always rewarding. Especially basics like english. You're not dictating what to learn, you're preparing for higher education. It's the internet language, internet is increasing in Rwanda and so is open source webcontent. eg.MIT has 100's of courses for free. Free and limitless information is booming.

type of job; it's both hands-on and seeing the greater picture, best of both right?

logistics in Africa; you're in for a challenge and will leave with spectaculair improvisation skills

You can start now and stop feeling uncortable around your housekeeper ;)

Good luck!

Roald said...

I mean 'uncomfortable' (maybe you can teach me english when you're back :)

Oh and one more argument; seems like you will work on public interests in a commercial environment - always handy in this world, and much desired in NGO-world as well

Tine said...

Wow, Congratulations Janine - Quite a better offer than what I just gave you. I would go for the books. After all, you will then one day be able to say, that you contributed to bringing education and the English language to the Rwandan youth. That is something!

Anonymous said...

Eens! En als je echt n ander goed aanbod krijgt, kun je toch altijd nog daar koffie gaan verkopen.. wachten lijkt me juist zinloos.. succes met je keuze!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Alrighty chica,
yes... advice.. But it's long and danish - så tjek gmailen og husk mulighed C) spreading hulahop 'round Rwanda!

janine said...

THANKS!!! to all of you... I gave her a preliminary yes -to be confirmed by Monday. By the way: the person named 'Mikkel' -is that you Tine? You are the only one who also offered me a job (great too! just read your mail!) and who is the anonymous?

Mikkel (the real one!) said...

I of course think that you should go for the money ;-)

Unknown said...

take the school books job. And in your spare time, relax in your hammock, sip a smoothy, and wait for the others to offer you a better job.

Good luck!

Miriam said...

He Janine!
Super om mee te mogen lezen en denken.
Ik zou 't doen.
Lekker aan de slag en wat er dan komt, komt dan en daar kan je altijd nog op inspringen. En het komt niets voor niets op je pad. Succes met de beslissing!! Liefs