February 2, 2011

Kigali - day 1

(Anthropologists learn they should write down as many observations as possible the first days in a new place.)
What better way to start a day in a new place than with a jog:
  1. Every ten seconds someone’s cheering “musungu, musungu."
  2. Even though I deliberately put on my yellow Brazil shirt there is no way of blending in. No other white person on the street this morning, but luckily many Brazil shirts:-) Together with all sorts of obscure old company shirts from Danish, Dutch and other origin.
  3. A young man join me running for 5 minutes with his wheelbarrow.
  4. Just like me (at this particular morning) people´s main means of transportation seem to be their legs.
  5. Going a little away from the main road you suddenly see lots of people (including way too many school aged kids) carrying big water containers.
  6. Many young men are hanging out on the streets. Guess I would hang out there as well. If for no other reason than to watch the many beautiful women!
And then I forgot to mention that those “thousand hills” will either kill me or give me the condition of a marathon runner.

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